About Service Medals

NSA Service Medals

The three Service Medals that NSA awards are given out as they are submitted, there is no time frame on the application. We prefer to award it out in the year that it is earned but at the end of the year they can roll over. We ask for you to allow staff 30 days to review, approve and send out the medal. It will be sent to the Sheriff’s Office to the Sheriff’s attend to be awarded by the Sheriff.


Medal of Valor

The Medal of Valor is given for an act of outstanding personal bravery, intelligently performed, in the line of duty at imminent personal hazard of life.

Medal of Valor Application

Medal of Merit

The Medal of Merit is given for a contribution to your community, and to the Field of Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice.

Medal of Merit Application

Purple Heart

The Purple Heart is given for having sustained personal injury, in the intelligent performance of duty, inflicted by an assailant with a dangerous and deadly weapon.

Purple Heart Application