LEO Safety/Below 100: Laws & Data

COPS Office: Making It Safer - A Study of Law Enforcement Fatalities Between 2010-2016

IThis report encompasses a seven-year study from 2010-2016 that analyzed 1,016 line-of-duty deaths. Specifically, the analysis focused on cases that involved a dispatched call for service and the common circumstances in those fatal incidents. Armed with this information, researchers were tasked with determining if any commonalities existed that could be utilized as learning tools to prevent future deadly calls or fatal encounters.

The research team continued their previous analysis of fatal encounters that were the result of officers taking self-initiated action, such as making a traffic stop or stopping a suspicious person. The research team analyzed those encounters and provided two more years of case data to enhance the information gathered in the 2016 report. The report offers an analysis of soft body armor usage and seatbelt usage in automobile crashes across seven years.